Saturday, February 7, 2009

I am so tired tonight. My literacy conference was very good today. I enjoyed getting to meet Ralph Fletcher and hearing him talk about the need to improve the writing process for boys. However, something did happen today that I am not very proud of, but I guess I should come clean. I had to be a Gena's house at 7 this morning since she was our designated driver to ASU. She is one of our reading specialist who I have enjoyed getting to know this past year. Judy, the other reading specialist also joined us. I remember thinking as we got into the car that someone had put on way too much perfume. It smelled absolutely awful. It smelled like something a grandma would wear that was 20 years old and should have been thrown away. I had put on some of my Ralph Lauren perfume earlier and was a little concerned it might have been going bad. After completing some smell tests I knew my perfume was safe. It was too bad I could not smell it, but oh well. The horrendous smell just seemed to follow me wherever I went. Well, we arrived back at Gena's and I got into my car and thought, "Great, the smell is going to be in my car." I drove home with my windows down hoping the smell would just float away. After getting home, Doug thought he needed to go to the Bass Pro Shop. I was like ok and we loaded back into the car. Guess what? Yes, the smell was even worse. As I was looking for my phone in my purse I realized the smell seemed particularly stronger. Upon further digging, I came across an empty bottle of perfume my mom had given me a few weeks ago. The bottle had broken sometime in my purse!! It had smelled bad then, but for some reason I had not taken it out of my purse. I swear the smell was worse today. As I was shopping, I was so self-conscious I knew everyone in Mesa could smell me.
So the moral of this story is to not keep cheap smelling perfume in your purse. Sorry I have to go....I need a bath!!

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