Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm tired tonight. I need to do some work, but Dancing with Stars is on, so work will have to wait! I'm burning my Sunrise Tangelo candle and it just makes the house smell like spring.

We had a pretty good weekend. We had lots of errands to run, so I felt pretty good crossing them off our list. Weekends just go too fast!!!

One of my cats is pulling his hair out. I have not been able to figure out why. I have decided to go back to the cat food we were on last fall for sensitive skin and call the Vet tomorrow. We have tried different things with no luck, so it's time to call the Dr. Poor Simba!

I have been reading about the bloggers in India for Compassion International. I can't imagine what they are seeing and feeling there. It would truly be a life changing experience. I take my life and comforts for granted living in the United States.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My internal alarm clock woke up at six today. My one day to sleep in and I wake up on school time. I guess that means it's time to get this day started. So far, I have had my quiet time, washed two loads of laundry and brushed three cats. I need to go to Target, but that will have to wait since they are not even open yet!!

I want to share a couple things from my morning devotion today that really spoke to me. I love the book of Philippians. In Philippians 4:13, Paul states he has learned the secret to being content in every circumstance.

I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

It does not matter what stage of life you are in or how much (or little) money you have in the bank account. It does not matter if you are pounding the pavement looking for a job or are an executive making a six figure income. God will give us the strength to make it through whatever challenges we face in this life. Whether it be in a time of need or a time of plenty, God will see us through. Believe me, I needed to hear this for my own life.

Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you have a terrific Saturday!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I just heard on the news that Arizona is #1 in ID theft. Not good!!! I'm not sure why anyone would want to be me, but this is still very disturbing. Next, they are going to be discussing which restaurant in the valley had duck poop in it's dining area!!!!! Oh my! I think it's time to see what's on HGTV!!!!

We had a fire drill at school today. I understand the importance of practicing these drills, but I still don't like them. Unfortunately, I had to give my class the riot act regarding the proper procedures of leaving the room and lining up outside. One student asked me about their backpacks. They had spent a lot of money on them and didn't want to leave them behind!!!! I tried to explain this was SO NOT worth his life!!!

I can't wait to get the information on the child we are sponsoring through Compassion International. A group of bloggers are leaving tomorrow to travel to India with Compassion. I can't imagine the extreme poverty the people are living in there. They will be gone a week. I look forward to their updates.

Hope everyone has a great evening!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but I'm in cake heaven. My parents bought a cake from Costco to take to their Bible study last night and we were the lucky recipients of some leftover cake. I just enjoyed a delicious piece and it was so good. It's the kind of cake that is sinful, but you are not thinking about calories as you are eating it.

As I'm writing tonight, my oldest cat Annie is sitting on my lap. She just recently turned 17. I can remember when I was in college and working on research papers, Annie loved sitting on my lap or watching me type on the table. She has arthritis, but does not do too bad considering her age.

Living on the west coast as caused me to become somewhat lazy. American Idol does not come on until 8 here which is two hours after it aired on the east coast. Now I would like to watch the show, but it is so easy to check what happened online. Lazy, I know. I guess Lil and Anoop went home tonight. It is going to be very exciting from here on out.

Well, I guess it's time for some laundry. Have a wonderful evening.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I am very thankful for my husband!! I came home tonight to find him fixing dinner. And he evens clean the dishes!! Life can not get much better than this!

Well, I survived another Monday in sixth grade. I only have four more Mondays left this school year. I realized today that my frustrations with sixth graders are not limited to just me. The art teacher found me at lunch today. She was wondering if the class had said anything about art today. I said no. Well, I guess she reamed them about their behavior. Not good. It is a problem that is prevalent throughout sixth grade. Attitudes and behaviors take a serious nose dive in the spring. How I miss those cute first graders!!!!!

The office also informed us today, that the school district has no more money to handle copier issues. We are only to use the copier for IMPORTANT copying. I'm like, don't they realize we have five weeks of school left. There is lots of IMPORTANT copying to be done. Budget cuts are not fun. I can't wait until next year when we will have 36 in each class with less supplies and funding.

Well, enough of my ranting about school. I hope your Monday was AWESOME!

Yeah for Monday nights. Dancing With Stars!!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm trying to finish some cleaning before heading to church. I am also trying to figure out Twitter. I have had this account for months, but have not really done anything with it. I proudly admit I don't like gadgets or figuring out computer stuff. It helps having a husband who is a computer programmer to pull me along! I would probably still be in the dark ages if it wasn't for D.!!!


Friday, April 17, 2009

It's the weekend!!! I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. I don't know why this week seemed so long. Oh well, it should be a beautiful weekend here. I think the 90's have arrived!!!

School was okay today. Next Friday, their math games are due, so I'm anxious to see how they turn out.

We went over to my parent's house for dinner tonight. The highlight was the blackberry glazed pie my mom made. I think she is known far and wide for them. She can make a strawberry, peach or blackberry glazed pie and they are delicious. Before eating we went to my brother's house, so he could show us how he gives his cat liquids through an IV. Max takes it very well. I think I may have trouble if I had to do that to one of my cats. It seems to be making a difference with him, so that is good.

It's time to watch a little t.v. before bed.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well, I'm feeling much better tonight. Migraines are not fun. Fortunately I don't get them too often. We are just now getting home tonight. We went and saw Tim Hawkins tonight at a benefit for Mission One. He is a Christian comedian and I would highly recommend taking in one of his shows. He has a lot of material out on you tube.

I have chosen Philipians 3:10-11 as my April 15th memory verse.

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.

I'm getting tired, so I think I will call in a night. Have a fantastic Friday!!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Well, it has been pretty quiet the last few days. I had a migraine tonight, so I am not really feeling very good. I spent most of the night just lying on the couch. I have not even officially picked my verse for the 15th yet. I guess I will do that later. It seems like this week is dragging which is funny since it's a short work week. II will post more later.
Have a good night!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Quick Note

I'm slowly, but surely getting my cleaning done. I'm going to try a new recipe tonight for dinner. It's a chicken dish, so how hard can that be???!!!???

Have a Marvelous Monday!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

We had a really nice Easter. It was great to see church bursting at the seams with people today!! The sanctuary was so full, that we had to sit in the overflow auditorium. This was the fourth service!!

We had a great lunch with my family. I really should not be hungry for days! I'm going to love the leftovers though! We came home and just relaxed for the remainder of the night. Of course we made our nightly run to QT for my diet coke.

I'm looking forward to my day off tomorrow. I need to get serious about some cleaning and making sure I'm ready for school on Tuesday. Six weeks to go!!

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.

Matthew 28: 5-6

Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Well, the deviled eggs are done and the bunny cupcakes have been bought. I think we are ready for Easter dinner. I'm trying to decide which service to attend tomorrow. I'm thinking the 11:15 sounds good.

We had a wet day in the desert today. Which just magnified my dull appearance. I have been so embarrassed by my ghostly white skin, that I broke down and bought some self-tanner tonight. The smell is not too good, but at least I won't blind anyone with my white skin. I guess some sacrifices have to be made.

I'm watching the moving National Treasure tonight. It's a good one to see again. I enjoy Nicholas Cage as an actor. Bedtime will be here soon though. Have a wonderful and blessed Easter.


Friday, April 10, 2009

We attended Good Friday services tonight. It was really nice. The music was awesome and the message was clear. The minister shared the following verse:

For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.

2 Corinthians 5:14

I want this verse to drive every area of my life.

Looking forward to Sunday,

Good Friday

I am enjoying a very nice and quiet morning at home. I need to get some work done before tomorrow. My mom and I are going to be making deviled eggs for Easter then. I think I will try to talk her into coloring some of them. hehe

I just read the LPM blog today and Beth had written a beautiful tribute to a very special woman. Beth was talking about how one day we would be trading hem for Him. It was based upon Luke 8. Wow! Those words really ministered to me. On this Good Friday, I am totally taken in awe of the fact that one day I will live eternally with Him. He paid the price for my sins, so that I may live with him eternally. I am very thankful for everyday he has given me. Yes, that includes the bad. While they are hard and difficult, I know that He is before all things and holds all thing together (Col. 1:17).

My Easter verse is Isaiah 49:16

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

I may have not been physically present thousands of years ago, but I was engraved on His hands as he hung on the cross.

I hope you have a blessed Easter celebration!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm watching American Idol tonight. It will be interesting to see who goes home. Today was pretty uneventful. That is a good thing. Tomorrow is our last day before our Easter break. I'm really looking forward to a four day weekend. I can't believe we are almost down to the last six weeks of school!!!!! I need to get serious about putting some grades in the computer. Mid-terms go home next Friday!

AIMS testing is now completed!!! In celebration, we had a kickball tournament with the sixth graders. It was a beautiful day to be out and enjoying the weather. Probably in a month, playing in 100 degree temperature won't seem as fun!

Well, it's time for some laundry and then bed!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Joyful Journey

I am happy to report we have clean carpet tonight. My dad brought his wet vac over today, so we could clean our carpet.It is amazing how dirty it gets in a few months time. I want to thank them both for doing this awful job. No one enjoys it at all. Even the cats get quite freak out with the whole situation. Fortunately, only our upstairs is carpeted. We should be good for a few months!!

I had my last mentor teacher meeting tonight. They try to have a theme for each meeting. Tonight was the 50's. They had even prepared ice cream floats for everyone. They always have some clever ideas for the classroom. I look forward to next year's group.

After I got home, we made a run to Costco. We have become hooked on the Hawaiian Bowl's teriyaki chicken. I highly recommend them. They are great for lunch or a quick dinner. They are in the frozen section of Costco. Cheese, peanuts, and waffles rounded out our shopping trip.

I love Monday nights because of DWTS. Cheryl and Giles were simply amazing tonight. I was totally captivated by their performance. Now to look forward to American Idol tomorrow!

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

It is a beautiful day in the valley of the sun. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Palm Sunday.

I am happy to report that I made it through my first AIMS testing. I actually had a very refreshing week. I was able to clean out and organize many areas of my room. I also was able to create my final math project of the year. I will introduce it to the classes tomorrow. I am very thankful to God for a good test week.

I have chosen Col. 1:17 as my Siesta memory verse for April 1st.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

I have so enjoyed learning scripture through the LPM memory blog. I had tried memorizing verses before; but this time I'm not only learning them, but I'm applying them to my life. When doubts or frustrations enter my mind, I can now readily call upon the scripture. I am keeping a note card size journal of all the scriptures I'm either memorizing or have read that have impacted me this year. I think I will title it My Walk With Jesus 2009.

Well, the kitchen floor is calling.

Have a joyful day!